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List of Monthly Data Series in the BCI Database
BCI-01a COMPOSITE INDEXES-- Leading Economic Indicators
BCI-01b COMPOSITE INDEXES-- Coincident and Lagging Indicators
BCI-01c COMPOSITE INDEXES-- Composite Index Contributions
BCI-07a PRICES-- Producer & Consumer
BCI-07b PRICES-- Commodity price details
BCI-15a INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS-- Ind. Production & Cons. Price Indexes
BCI-15b INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS-- Stock Price Indexes & Exchange Rates

The quarterly data are in two separate files:

BCI-Qa Sections 1-8 (includes all data for 8. PROFITS AND CASHFLOW)
BCI-Qb Sections 9-15 (includes all data for 11. SAVING)



G0M910 Composite index of 10 leading indicators (1996=100)
PCM910 Leading index, change from previous month (pct.)
P6M910 Leading index, change over 6-month span (AR, pct.)

Leading index component series:

A0M001 Average weekly hours, mfg. (hours)
A0M005 Average weekly initial claims, unemploy. insurance (thous.)
A0M008 Mfrs' new orders, consumer goods and materials (mil. chain 1996 $)
A0M032 Vendor performance, slower deliveries diffusion index (pct.)
A0M027 Mfrs' new orders, nondefense capital goods (mil. chain 1996 $)
A0M029 Building permits for new private housing units (thous.)
U0M019 Index of stock prices, 500 common stocks, NSA (1941-43=10)
A0M106 Money supply, M2 (bil. chain 1996 $)
U0M129 Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds less federal funds
U0M083 Consumer expectations, NSA (1966:I=100) COPYRIGHTED (U of Mich)

Diffusion index of 10 leading indicator components:

D1M950 Diffusion index of leading indicators, 1-mo. span (pct.)
D6M950 Diffusion index of leading indicators, 6-mo. span (pct.)


G0M920 Composite index of 4 coincident indicators (1996=100)
PCM920 Coincident index, change from previous month (pct.)
P6M920 Coincident index, change over 6-month span (AR, pct.)

Coincident index component series:

A0M041 Employees on nonagricultural payrolls (thous.)
A0M051 Personal income less transfer payments (AR, Chain 1996 $)
A0M047 Index of industrial production (1992=100)
A0M057 Manufacturing and trade sales (mil. Chain 1996 $)

Diffusion index of 4 coincident indicator components:

D1M951 Diffusion index of coincident indicators, 1-mo. span (pct.)
D6M951 Diffusion index of coincident indicators, 6-mo. span (pct.)


G0M930 Composite index of 7 lagging indicators (1996=100)
PCM930 Contrib. of BCI-129 to LEI: Interest rate spread
P6M930 Lagging index, change over 6-month span (AR, pct.)

Lagging index component series:

A0M091 Average duration of unemployment in weeks (weeks)
A0M077 Ratio, mfg. and trade inventories to sales (chain 1996 $)
A6M062 Change in labor cost per unit output, mfg. (6-m pct. AR)
U0M109 Average prime rate charged by banks, NSA (pct.)
A0M101 Commercial and industrial loans outstanding (mil. Chain 1996 $)
A0M095 Ratio, consumer installment credit to personal income (pct.)
A6M120 Change in CPI for services (6-m pct. AR)

Diffusion index of 7 lagging indicator components:

D1M952 Diffusion index of lagging indicators, 1-mo. span (pct.)
D6M952 Diffusion index of lagging indicators, 6-mo. span (pct.)
G0M940 Ratio, coincident index to lagging index (1996=100)


Contributions of leading index components:

LEM001 Contrib. of BCI-1to LEI: Average weekly hours, manufacturing
LEM005 Contrib. of BCI-5to LEI: Avg weekly claims, unemploy. insurance
LEM008 Contrib. of BCI-8to LEI: Mfrs' new orders, consumer gds & matls
LEM032 Contrib. of BCI-32 to LEI: Vendor performance, diffusion index
LEM027 Contrib. of BCI-27 to LEI: Mfrs' new orders, nondefense capital
LEM029 Contrib. of BCI-29 to LEI: Bldg. permits, new priv. housing unit
LEM019 Contrib. of BCI-19 to LEI: Index of stock prices
LEM106 Contrib. of BCI-106 to LEI: Money supply M2 in 1996 dollars
LEM129 Contrib. of BCI-129 to LEI: Interest rate spread
LEM083 Contrib. of BCI-83 to LEI: Consumer expectations

Contributions of coincident index components:

COM041 Contrib. of BCI-41 to COI: Employees on nonagricultural payrolls
COM051 Contrib. of BCI-51 to COI: Pers. income less transfer payments
COM047 Contrib. of BCI-47 to COI: Index of industrial production
COM057 Contrib. of BCI-57 to COI: Manufacturing & trade sales

Contributions of lagging index components:

LGM091 Contrib. of BCI-91 to LGI: Average duration of unemployment
LGM077 Contrib. of BCI-77 to LGI: Ratio, mfg & trade inven. to sales
LGM062 Contrib. of BCI-62 to LGI: Change in labor costs
LGM109 Contrib. of BCI-109 to LGI: Average prime rate charged by banks
LGM101 Contrib. of BCI-101 to LGI: Comm. & industrial loans
LGM095 Contrib. of BCI-95 to LGI: Ratio, consumer install. credit to PI
LGM120 Contrib. of BCI-120 to LGI: Change in CPI for services

Labor force:

A0M441 Civilian labor force (thous.)
A0M442 Civilian employment (thous.)
Civilian labor force participation rates (percent):
A0M451 Labor force participation rate, males 20 and over (pct.)
A0M452 Labor force participation rate, females 20 and over (pct.)
A0M453 Labor force participation rate, 16-19 years of age (pct.)

Marginal employment adjustments:

A0M001 Average weekly hours, mfg. (hours)
A0M021 Average weekly overtime hours, mfg. (hours)
A0M005 Average weekly initial claims, unemploy. insurance (thous.)

Job vacancies:

A0M046 Index of help-wanted advertising in newspapers (1987=100)
COPYRIGHTED (The Conference Board)
A0M060 Ratio, help-wanted advertising to number unemployed (ratio)
COPYRIGHTED (The Conference Board)


A0M048 Employee hours in nonag. establishments (AR, bil. hours)
A0M042 Persons engaged in nonagricultural activities (thous.)
A0M041 Employees on nonagricultural payrolls (thous.)

Diffusion index of employees on private nonagricultural payrolls, 356 industries:

D1M963 Private nonag. employment, 1-mo. diffusion index (pct.)
D6M963 Private nonag. employment, 6-mo. diffusion index (pct.)
A0M040 Nonag. employees, goods-producing industries (thous.)
A0M090 Ratio, civilian employment to working-age population (pct.)


A0M037 Number of persons unemployed (thous.)
A0M043 Civilian unemployment rate (pct.)
A0M045 Average weekly insured unemployment rate (pct.)
A0M091 Average duration of unemployment in weeks (weeks)
A0M044 Unemployment rate, 15 weeks and over (pct.)


Output :

A0Q055 Gross domestic product (AR, bil. Chain 1996 $)
P1Q055 Quarterly change in GDP in Chain 1996 $ (AR, pct.)
A0Q050 Gross national product (AR, bil. Chain 1996 $)
A0Q049 Value of domestic goods output (AR, bil. Chain 1996 $)

Industrial production indexes, 1992=100:

A0M047 Index of industrial production (1992=100)
A0M073 Industrial production, durable manufactures (1992=100)
A0M074 Industrial production, nondurable manufactures (1992=100)
A0M075 Industrial production, consumer goods (1992=100)

Capacity utilization rates (percent):

A0M124 Capacity utilization rate, total industry (pct.)
A0M082 Capacity utilization rate, manufacturing (pct.)



A0M057 Manufacturing and trade sales (mil. Chain 2000 $)
A0M059 Sales of retail stores (mil. Chain 2000 $)

Orders and deliveries:

A0M007 Mfrs' new orders, durable goods industries (bil. chain 1996 $)
A1M008 Mfrs' new orders, consumer goods and materials (bil. $)
A0M008 Mfrs' new orders, consumer goods and materials (bil. chain 1996 $)
A1M092 Mfrs' unfilled orders, durable goods indus. (bil. chain 1996 $)
A0M092 Change in mfrs' unfilled orders, durables (bil. chain 1996 $)
A6M092 Change in mfrs' unfilled orders (6-m pct., chain 1996 $)
A0M032 Vendor performance, slower deliveries diffusion index (pct.)


Formation of business enterprises:

A0M013 Number of new business incorporations (1947-'98, Source: D&B)

Business investment commitments:

A1M020 Contracts and orders for plant and equipment (mil. $)
A0M020 Contracts and orders for plant and equipment (mil. chain 1996 $)
A1M027 Mfrs' new orders, nondefense capital goods (mil. $)
A0M027 Mfrs' new orders, nondefense capital goods (mil. chain 1996 $)
A0M009 Construction contracts (mil. sq. ft.) COPYRIGHT (McGraw-Hill)

Business investment expenditures:

A0M069 Mfrs' mach. & equip. sales + bus. constr. exp. (AR, bil. $)
A0M076 Industrial production, business equipment (1992=100)
A0Q086 Nonresidential fixed investment (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)
A0Q087 Nonres. fixed investment, structures (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)
A0Q088 Nonres. fixed invest., prod. dur. equip. (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)

Residential construction and investment:

A0M028 New private housing units started (AR, thous.)
A0M029 Building permits for new private housing units (thous.)
A0Q089 Residential fixed investment (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)


Inventories on hand:

A0M070 Manufacturing and trade inventories (bil. chain 1996 $)
A0M077 Ratio, mfg. and trade inventories to sales (chain 1996 $)

Inventory investment:

A0Q030 Change in business inventories (AR, chain bil. 1996 $)
A0M031 Change in manufacturing and trade inventories (AR, bil. $)

7a. PRICES-- Producer & Consumer

Producer Price Indexes:

A0M336 Producer Price Index, finished goods (1982=100)
P1M336 Change in PPI, finished goods, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M336 Change in PPI, finished goods, 6-month span (AR, pct.)
A0M337 PPI, finished goods less foods and energy (1982=100)
P1M337 Change in PPI, less foods & energy, 1-mo. span (pct.)
P6M337 Change in PPI, less foods & energy, 6-mo. span (AR, pct.)
A0M334 Producer Price Index, finished consumer goods (1982=100)
P1M334 Change in PPI, finished consumer goods, 1-mo. span (pct.)
P6M334 Change in PPI, finished cons. goods, 6-mo. span (AR, pct.)
A0M333 Producer Price Index, capital equipment (1982=100)
P1M333 Change in PPI, capital equipment, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M333 Change in PPI, capital equipment, 6-month span (AR, pct.)
A0M332 Producer Price Index, intermediate materials (1982=100)
P1M332 Change in PPI, intermediate materials, 1-mo. span (pct.)
P6M332 Change in PPI, intermed. materials, 6-mo. span (AR, pct.)
A0M331 Producer Price Index, crude materials (1982=100)
P1M331 Change in PPI, crude materials, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M331 Change in PPI, crude materials, 6-month span (AR, pct.)
A0Q311 Chain weighted price index, gross dom. bus. product (1996=100)
P1Q311 Change in chain weighted price index, GDP (AR, pct.)

Consumer Price Indexes for all urban consumers:

A0M320 CPI for all urban consumers, all items (1982-84=100)
P1M320 Change in CPI-U, all items, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M320 Change in CPI-U, all items, 6-month span (AR, pct.)
A0M323 CPI-U, all items less food and energy (1982-84=100)
P1M323 Change in CPI-U, less food & energy, 1-mo. span (pct.)
P6M323 Change in CPI-U, less food & energy, 6-mo. span (AR, pct.)
A0M120 Consumer Price Index for services (1982-84=100)
P1M120 Change in CPI for services 1-mo. span (AR pct.)
A6M120 Change in CPI for services (6-m pct. AR)

7b. PRICES-- Commodity price details

Sensitive commodity prices:

A0M099 Index of sensitive materials prices (level, 1992=100)
P1M099 Change in sensitive materials prices 1-mo. span (pct.)
P6M099 Change in sensitive materials prices, 6-month span (pct.)
CHM098 Cattle hides (1982=100)
LWM098 Lumber and wood products (1982=100)
ISM098 Iron and steel scrap (1982=100)
CSM098 Copper base scrap (1982=100)
ASM098 Aluminum base scrap (1982=100)
NSM098 Nonferrous scrap, NSA (1982=100)
RCM098 Raw cotton (1982=100)
DWM098 Domestic apparel wool (1982=100)
U0M023 Spot prices, raw materials, NSA (1967=100) COPYRIGHTED (CRB)
LSM023 Lead scrap ($ per lb.)
TNM023 Tin, NSA ($ per lb.)
ZNM023 Zinc, NSA ($ per lb.)
BLM023 Burlap, NSA ($ per yd.)
PCM023 Print cloth, NSA ($ per yd.)
WTM023 Wool tops, NSA ($ per lb.)
RSM023 Rosin ($ per 100 lb.)
RBM023 Rubber ($ per lb.)
TLM023 Tallow ($ per lb.)

Producer Price Indexes (additional):

A0M338 Producer Price Index, crude nonfood less energy (1982=100)
P1M338 Change in PPI, crude nonfood less energy, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M338 Change in PPI, crude nonfood less energy, 6-month span (AR, pct.)
A0M339 Producer Price Index, petroleum products (1982=100)
P1M339 Change in PPI, petroleum products, 1-month span (pct.)
P6M339 Change in PPI, petroleum products, 6-month span (AR. pct.)


A0Q016 Corporate profits after tax (AR, bil. $)
A0Q018 Corporate profits after tax (AR, bil. 1996 $)
A0Q022 Ratio, corporate domestic profits after tax to income (pct.)
A0Q081 Corp. domestic profits with IVA & CCAdj to income (pct.)
A0Q026 Ratio, price to unit labor cost, nonfarm bus. (1992=100)
A0Q035 Corporate net cash flow (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)


Wages and Compensation:

A0Q345 Average hourly compensation, nonfarm bus. sector (1992=100)
P1Q345 Change in avg. hourly compensation (AR, pct.)
A0Q346 Real avg. hourly compensation, nonfarm business (1992=100)
P1Q346 Change in real avg. hourly compensation (AR, pct.)
A0M053 Wages & salaries in mining, mfg., constr. (AR, bil. chain 2000 $)

Unit labor costs:

A0Q063 Unit labor cost, all persons, business sector (1992=100)
A0M062 Index of labor cost per unit of output, mfg. (1992=100)
P1M062 Change in labor cost per unit of output, mfg., 1-mo. span (pct.)
A6M062 Change in labor cost per unit output, mfg. (6-m pct. AR)


A0Q370 Output per hour, business sector (1992=100)
P1Q370 Change in output per hour, 1-Q span (AR, pct.)
P4Q370 Change in output per hour, 4-Q span (AR, pct.)
A0Q358 Output per hour, nonfarm business sector (1992=100)


Personal income:

A0M223 Personal income (AR, bil.)
A0M052 Personal income (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)
A0M051 Personal income less transfer payments (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)
A0M224 Personal Consumption Expenditures (AR, bil.)
A0M225 Personal Consumption Expenditures (AR, bil. chain 1996 $)

Indexes of consumer attitudes:

U0M058 Consumer sentiment, NSA (1966:I=100) COPYRIGHTED (U of Mich)
U0M083 Consumer expectations, NSA (1966:I=100) COPYRIGHTED (U of Mich)
A0M122 Index of consumer confidence (1985=100) COPYRIGHTED (The Conf Bd)
A0M123 Index of consumer expectations (1985=100) COPYRIGHTED (The Conf Bd)


A0Q290 Gross saving (AR, bil. $)
A0Q295 Business saving (AR, bil. $)
A0Q292 Personal saving (AR, bil. $)
A0Q298 Government surplus or deficit (AR, bil. $)
A0Q293 Personal saving rate (pct.)


Bank Reserves and Money:

U0M093 Free reserves, NSA (mil. $)
U0M094 Member bank borrowings from Federal Reserve, NSA (mil. $)
A0M096 Non-borrowed reserves (mil. $)
A0M140 Monetary base (mil. $)
A0M141 Money supply M1 (bil. $)
A0M142 Money supply M2 (bil. $)
A0M143 Money supply M3 (bil. $)
A0M144 Money supply L (bil. $)

Money (M2) details:

A6M142 Change in money supply M2 (6-m pct. AR)
A0M106 Money supply M2 (bil. chain 1996 $)
A0M108 Ratio, personal income to money supply M2 (ratio)

Credit flows:

A0M112 Net change in business loans (AR, bil. $)
A0M113 Net change in consumer installment credit (AR, bil. $)
A0Q110 Funds raised by private nonfinancial borrowers (AR, mil. $)

Credit difficulties:

U0M014 Current liabilities of business failures, NSA (mil. $)

Outstanding debt:

A0M066 Consumer installment credit outstanding (bil. $)
A0M072 Commercial and industrial loans outstanding (mil. $)
A0M101 Commercial and industrial loans outstanding (mil. chain 1996 $)
A0M095 Ratio, consumer installment credit to personal income (pct.)

Interest rates (percent, NSA):

U0M119 Federal funds rate, NSA (pct.)
U0M114 Discount rate on new 91-day Treasury bills, NSA (pct.)
U0M116 Yield on new high-grade corporate bonds, NSA (pct.)
U0M115 Yield on long-term Treasury bonds, NSA (pct.)
U0M117 Yield on municipal bonds, 20-bond average, NSA (pct.)
U0M118 Secondary market yields on FHA mortgages, NSA (pct.)
U0M109 Average prime rate charged by banks, NSA (pct.)
U0M131 Yield on 10-year Treasury bonds, NSA (pct.)
U0M129 Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds less federal funds
U0M019 Index of stock prices, 500 common stocks, NSA (1941-43=10)


A0M548 Manufacturers' new orders, defense products (mil. $)
A0M557 Industrial production, defense & space equipment (1992=100)
U0M570 Employment, defense products industries NSA (thous.)
A0Q564 Federal Government purchases, national defense (AR, bil. $)


A0M602 Exports, excluding military aid shipments (mil. $)
U0M604 Exports of domestic agricultural products, NSA (mil. $)
U0M606 Exports of nonelectrical machinery, NSA (mil. $)
A0M612 General imports (mil. $)
U0M614 Imports of petroleum and petroleum products, NSA (mil. $)
U0M616 Imports of automobiles and parts, NSA (mil. $)
A0Q618 Merchandise exports, adjusted, excluding military (bil. $)
A0Q620 Merchandise imports, adjusted, excluding military (bil. $)
A0Q622 Balance on merchandise trade (bil. $)


15a. Industrial Production Indexes

A0M720 U.S., industrial production
A0M721 OECD, European countries, industrial production
A0M728 Japan, industrial production
A0M725 Fed. Republic of Germany, industrial production
A0M726 France, industrial production
A0M722 United Kingdom, industrial production
A0M727 Italy, industrial production
A0M723 Canada, industrial production

Consumer Price Indexes

U0M730 US, consumer price index (urban all items) NSA
P6M730 US, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M738 Japan, consumer price index, NSA
P6M738 Japan, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M735 Germany, consumer price index, NSA
P6M735 Germany, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M736 France, consumer price index, NSA
P6M736 France, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M732 United Kingdom, consumer price index, NSA
P6M732 United Kingdom, 6-mo. change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M737 Italy, consumer price index, NSA
P6M737 Italy, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)
U0M733 Canada, consumer price index, NSA
P6M733 Canada, 6-month change in consumer prices (AR, pct.)

15b. Stock Price Indexes

U0M740 United States, stock prices, NSA
U0M748 Japan, stock prices, NSA
U0M745 Federal Republic of Germany, stock prices, NSA
U0M746 France, stock prices, NSA
U0M742 United Kingdom, stock prices, NSA
U0M747 Italy, stock prices, NSA
U0M743 Canada, stock prices, NSA

Exchange Rates:

U0M750 Exchange value of U.S. dollar, NSA (Mar. 1973=100)

Foreign currency per U.S. dollar (NSA):

U0M758 Japan, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (yen)
U0M755 Germany, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (d. mark)
U0M756 France, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (franc)
U0M752 United Kingdom, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (pound)
U0M757 Italy, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (lira)
U0M753 Canada, exchange rate per U.S. dollar, NSA (dollar)

Quarterly Data A:

A0Q055 Gross Domestic Product, bill. 2000$
P1Q055 GDP Percent change from the previous quarter, AR
A0Q050 Gross National Product, bill. 2000$
A0Q049 Value of domestic goods output, bill. 2000$
A0Q086 Gross private nonresidential fixed investment, Total, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q087 Gross private nonresidential fixed investment, Structures, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q088 Producers' durable equipment, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q089 Gross private residential fixed investment, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q030 Change in business inventories, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q311 Chain-weighted price index, Gross domestic business product, 2000=100
P1Q311 Chain-weighted price index, percent change of gross domestic business product, AR
A0Q016 Corporate profits after tax, bill. $, AR
A0Q018 Corporate profits after tax, bill. 2000$, AR
A0Q022 Ratio, corporate domestic profits after tax to corporate domestic income, percent
A0Q081 Ratio, corporate domestic profits after tax with IVA and CCAdj to corporate domestic income, percent
A0Q026 Ratio, implicit price deflator to unit labor cost, all persons, non-farm business sector, 1992=100
A0Q035 Corporate net cash flow, bill. 2000$, AR

Quarterly Data B:

A0Q345 Wages and compensation, Index of average hourly compensation, all employees, non-farm business sector, 1992=100
P1Q345 Percent change in wages and compensation, Index of average hourly compensation, all employees, non-farm business sector, percent, AR
A0Q346 Index of real average hourly compensation, all employees, non-farm business sector, 1992=100
P1Q346 Percent change in real average hourly compensation, all employees, non-farm business sector, percent, AR
A0Q063 Index of unit labor cost, all persons, business sector, 1992=100
A0Q370 Index of output per hour, all persons, business sector, 1992=100
P1Q370 Percent change over 1-Q span, index of output per hour, all persons, business sector, percent, AR
P4Q370 Percent change over 4-Q span, index of output per hour, all persons, business sector, percent, AR
A0Q358 Index of output per hour, all persons, non-farm business sector, 1992=100
A0Q290 Gross saving, bill. $, AR
A0Q295 Business saving, bill. $, AR
A0Q292 Personal saving, bill. $, AR
A0Q298 Government surplus or deficit, bill. $, AR
A0Q293 Personal saving rate, percent
A0Q110 Funds raised by private non-financial borrowers in credit markets, mill. $, AR
A0Q564 Federal government purchases, national defense, bill. $, AR
A0Q618 Merchandise exports, adjusted, excluding military, bill. $, AR
A0Q620 Merchandise imports, adjusted, excluding military, bill. $, AR
A0Q622 Balance on merchandise trade, bill. $, AR

Common Mnemonics for BCI series
U0Mxxx unadjusted series, usually NSA
A0Qxxx quarterly series, A0Mxxx monthly series
P1, P4, or P6, percent change, 1,4,or 6 period span
P6Mxxx annualized six-month percent change, centered in fourth month
A6Mxxx annualized six-month percent change, not centered

Abbreviations in descriptions
mil. millions, bil. billions, thous. thousands
AR annual rate, pct. percent, 6-m 6-month span
NSA Not seasonally adjusted
XXXX=100 XXXX is index year
Chain 1996 $ chain weight price deflator used, base year is 1996

The Business Cycle Indicators datafiles were created by
The Conference Board, 845 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Copyright (C) 1999 The Conference Board, Inc. ("TCB"), All rights reserved.
THE CONFERENCE BOARD and Torch design are registered trademarks of TCB.
The Conference Board (TCB) does not claim copyright as to any original work prepared by a U.S. Government officer or employee as part of that person's official duties. TCB acknowledges transfer of responsibility for the U.S Department of Commerce for "Cyclical Indicators" pursuant to the U.S. Contract No. 52-SABA-5-00128.